Maternelles anglophones
Nursery 1
Language Activity Book N1=1000
Innovative drawing & Colouring =1000
Elementary Maths Activity Book = 1000
Nursery 2
language Activity Book 2 =1000
Anucam drawing and Colouring =1000
Elementary maths Book 2 = 1000
Primaires anglophones
Class 1
Handwriting work Book 1500
winners in English 1800
parlons francais 1800
Innovative Maths1800
standard Scienced and technology 1500
The Good citizen 1&2 1500
Winners to ICT 1500
Class 2
Emergence in Handwriting 1500
Winners in English 1800
J’apprends le français 1800
Winners in maths 1800
Elementary science for Cameroun 1500
The Good citizen class1&2 1500
Winners in ICT 1500
Class 3
English language cl3 1800
How are you Benjamin? 1000
French class3 1700
Mathématiques Cl3 1800
Science & technology Cl3 1600
Social Studios Cl3 1800
ICT Cl3&Cl4 Atemec 1600
Class 4
English Cl4 1800
Benjamin is not a little boy! 1000
French Cl4 1700
Mathématiques Cl4 1800
Sciences &technology Cl4 1600
Social Studies Cl4 1600
ICT Cl3&Cl4 1600
Class 5
Cambridge primary English 2700
leaders in french 2400
Foundation primary Maths 2000
Elementary Science cl5&6 3000
Children and citizenship 1800
M’y third click on ICT cl5&6 2000
Leaders in History & Géographe 2000
Créative Arts ,crafts and culture 2250
Class 6
Cambridge primary English 2500
Leaders in french 2400
Foundation primary Mathématiques. 3000
Elementary sciences for Cameroun 3000
Citizenship Anucam. 1900
My third click cl5&6. 2000
Leaders in history & Geo 2000
Creative Art, crafts& culture 2250
Bonjour. Vous n’avez pas pris en compte les élèves du secondaire anglophone…est-ce une omission?